Posts in exercise

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is very common. In this video I demonstrate a programme of daily exercises which will strengthen your core and give relief to back pain.

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Long Term Back Pain

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is very common. It usually improves within a few weeks but can sometimes last longer or keep coming back. In this blog post I will look at some causes and treatments of long term back pain.

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Otitis Externa: Outer ear infection or inflammation

As a surfer over the years I have done a lot of sea swimming and have occasionally experienced water retention in my ear. This usually rights itself but sometimes it can develop into external otitis.

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Walking Meetings

In this blog I look at the phenomena of walking meetings. We know that walking energizes our brains, reduces stress, improves our mood, and can boost communication.

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Posture - Video Interview

In this video blog Dr Siobhan Graham is interviewed by Susan Hughes in the Vitalis Health clinic in Belfast City Centre talking about posture.

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National Walking Month

Walking is an easy and accessible way to improve physical and mental health and a 20-minute daily walk can reduce the risk of a number of preventable health conditions.

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Strength Training

In this blog post I will share with you a programme of twice weekly strength training exercises I have designed to build strength in a safe and sustainable way at home.

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