Posts tagged drsiobhangraham

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is very common. In this video I demonstrate a programme of daily exercises which will strengthen your core and give relief to back pain.

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In this blog I want to look at probiotics focussing on natural probiotics and a few of the foods you can buy or make yourself. I have taken recipes from BBCgoodfood.

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INTERVIEW: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Transcription of an interview with Dr Siobhan Graham about Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Travel Vaccinations

It almost seems too good to be true; we can travel again! Where are you hoping to travel to? Will you stay in Ireland sustaining the concept of staycations? Or will you go abroad?

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Posture - Video Interview

In this video blog Dr Siobhan Graham is interviewed by Susan Hughes in the Vitalis Health clinic in Belfast City Centre talking about posture.

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Strength Training

In this blog post I will share with you a programme of twice weekly strength training exercises I have designed to build strength in a safe and sustainable way at home.

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