feMale Hormone Blood Tests in Belfast

We offer a range of women’s hormone blood tests .

  • We recommend that all blood tests are done in the morning &

  • That you have fasted for the 10 hours before.

INCLUDED: All prices below include our fee for taking, sending and the doctor reporting on your test results.

PLEASE NOTE: YOu must now see GP before having any homrone tests taken.




This Menopause Wellness Check is built on our Advanced Wellness check that looks at the functioning of all the main body systems. We then add on a hormonal panel of bloods to look at your:

  • Oestrogen level,

  • Testosterone leveL

  • Sex hormone binding globulin

  • Advanced wellness bloods: blood count; inflammation test; kidney, liver, + bone function; glucose; cholesterol panel; iron studies; thyroid function, vitamin D, B12 +folate; uric acid; LDH.

    PRICE £375

    If you have not had general body systems blood tests: blood count, kidney function, liver function, bone function, glucose, thyroid function and iron status it is important to do these to rule out other causes for fatigue/depression/sweats/hot flushes.

    We cannot assume symptoms of the menopause are due to the menopause without ensuring there are no other underlying causes.


    These tests are useful to ensure your hormones are maintained within normal levels seen in women.

  • The testosterone test is also useful if your symptoms are not controlled by oestrogen alone, but require testosterone replacement.

    Sometimes taking oestrogen replacement HRT can cause a reduction in your testosterone and also change your thyroid profile. So, if already on HRT and you feel lethargic , irritable or are having sweats or other symptoms of a high or low thyroid hormone then it is prudent to check these test but to see a doctor to discuss this first of all.

    All testosterone levels and thyroid levels can go down while taking some oestrogens in HRT.




  • Thyroid tests (T4, free T3 and TSH)

    PRICE £230

It is important to note that the testosterone check which is included in this profile must be taken in the morning time and you must be fasting for the 12 hours before to ensure accuracy of results. 

Once we have received your results, one of our doctors will contact you by email to explain these hormone results, ensuring they are fully understood.


Generally if you are menstruating and your periods stop naturally for 12 months once aged >45 years we can assume you are menopausal and you do not require a blood test.

But if you are under the age of 45 we would do this blood test to confirm the menopause.

If you are < age 45 and are questioning if you may be perimenopausal but you are still menstruating but perhaps the period has become irregular then these menopausal blood tests should be done on day 1 or day 2 of your period.

Pelase note: these blood tests/hormone levels may be normal despite being in the perimenopause

  • FSH* level

  • Oestrogen level.

PRICE £115

* A marker from the brain that stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen)

Hirsutism Profile

This is for a woman who have excess hair growth on the face, abdomen or upper thighs.

Sometimes hair growth is in a similar distribution to the male hair pattern.

  • FSH

  • LH

  • Testosterone

  • DHEAs

  • SHBG

These bloods can confirm if you have excess of the male hormones production or something else drivoing this increased production.

We do recommend seeing a doctor first to ensure this is the right test for you. And for a physical examination.

Price: £196