TB Quantiferon GOLD blood test
We provide the Quantiferon TB Gold test Monday to Friday in our Belfast city centre clinic.
This test is time sensitive and must be taken in the morning before 12:00pm.
It is processed in Dublin and results are available within 15 working days.
If your results are positive we will contact you by telephone to ensure you have symptoms of Tuberculosis (TB), such as cough, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss or recent contact with someone with TB.
We ask that you fill out our medical questionnaire in relation to possible exposure to TB or past infection with TB. This helps us make an accurate assessment of your result should it be positive.
Price £185*
* This includes the fee for taking and processing the TB blood test and also a referral onwards should it be positive.
*It also now includes a 10 minute telephone call with the doctor
When should I do the TB Quantiferon test if I need it for travelling abroad?
In rare cases <1 in 500 there is a uncertain or inconclusive result. This may be due to either evolving TB or a recent infection which has interfered with the result.
If you are travelling and require this test to travel we recommend doing it at least 6 weeks before you travel to allow for a repeat test should it be inconclusive.