Menopause Clinic Belfast, Northern ireland

at vitalis health, WE offer a menopause clinic to help you on your menopause journey.

Our GP’s are specifically trained in the menopause and peri-menopause and are here to help you with your overall health & wellbeing. They can provide prescriptions for HRT following the consultation.


What’s includeD?

  • This appointment is 45 minutes.

  • Getting clear on what exactly the peri/menopause are.

  • Signs and symptoms of menopause.

  • Diagnosing menopause.

  • Physical examination.

  • Vaginal atrophy.

  • Providing treatment options - both HRT types and alternatives.

  • Benefits and risks of HRT and other treatments tailored to your individual needs.

  • Private Prescription for HRT (the medication is purchased in the pharmacy, prices vary).

  • Our doctors have a holistic and down to earth approach to your health and aim to ensure your overall health and wellbeing are addressed.

  • If needed we will share notes with your NHS GP after you are established on HRT.

Price £225



Our Doctors

Dr Siobhan Graham and Dr Marjorie Quinlan are trained and experienced in management of the menopause via the British Menopause Society. Dr Quinlan also has specific training via the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health (FSRH) menopause special skills training.

Dr Quinlan is passionate about listening to her patients and is particularly motivated to improve the care and support available to women in their peri- and post-menopausal years.

Dr Quinlan, Dr Siobhan and Dr Rachael McKeogh can prescribe testosterone where indicated- this is usually for low libido when oestrogen replacement has not alleviated symptoms.

Dr Rachael Mckeogh can also prescribe HRT for both the peri-menopause and menopause where needed, and assess you for a first appointment.

What if I can’t have HRT?

If there is a reason HRT may not be suitable such as having had breast cancer or blood clots, we would refer you into the NHS to a menopause consultant and also copy our notes and a write a letter to your your oncologist for input.

These decisions are not clear cut to start HRT and should be made with a team of specialists to weight potential risks against the benefits to you as a person. A decision can always be made together on whether HRT will be safe and beneficial.

If you have any of the following conditions past or present then you may want to see a private consultant for the menopause. We can recommend Dr Siobhan Kirk and Dr Joanne McMannus.

  • Breast Cancer

  • Blood cancer

  • Blood clots


Meet the team!


Dr Marjorie Quinlan

Dr Quinlan is a caring and experienced GP with a specialist interest in women’s health.

She has been a doctor for over 23 years and brings a calm knowledgable approach to her work.

Dr Quinlan worked as a GP in London for five years where, she developed a specialist interest and expertise in women’s health with a focus on contraception and the menopause.

Dr Quinlan can prescribe suitable HRT including testosterone where needed.

She can also insert the hormonal coil as a source of progesterone as an alternative to tablets and the patch.


Dr Siobhan Graham

Since opening Vitalis health in 2019, Dr Siobhan has seen numerous women either approaching, or in the menopause, starting HRT and in some cases finding other causes for their symptoms.

Dr Siobhan has a holistic and pragmatic approach to her patients health with attention to detail.

Having gone through the menopause she understands the varied symptoms and challenges it can present, but believes this is also an opportunity to put the spot light on one’s health and address everything from heart health and bone health, to mood and how to optimise our general wellbeing no matter our circumstances.


We offer different bloods packages to assess your health around or after the menopause.

It is best to discuss with the doctor or Nurse, what is needed for you. If you have had recent bloods taken please bring a copy to your appointment or even email them to us in advance of your appointment.

All prices are for blood tests only and include the fee for taking and reporting menopause blood results.

If you have not had general body systems blood tests: blood count, kidney function, liver function, bone function, glucose, thyroid function and iron status it is important to do these to rule out other causes for fatigue/sweats/hot flushes; we cannot assume symptoms of the menopause are due to the menopause without ensuring there are no other underlying causes.



Frequently asked questions about the menopause clinic

Q. Do I need blood tests to confirM the menopause or perimenopause?

Most patients don’t need bloods to diagnose menopause however we may advise some blood tests to rule out other underlying issues, such as an underactive thyroid and low iron stores. We also like to know how your overall health is and your risk for heart disease, so may recommend some baseline blood tests.

Q. What if I have high blood pressure can I still have HRT?

We will check your blood pressure and assess your heart health and general health at this time. Starting HRT is about weighing up the risks- yes there are risks- and deciding if your current state of health is just not bearable.

We aim to get your blood pressured well controlled before starting HRT, much like starting the Pill for contraception.

Q What if I decide I do not want to take HRT?

Even if you don’t choose to take HRT this is a great time in your life to address anything that’s been niggling you or simply for an MOT on your health in particular your heart health, mental health and breast health. These appointments provide the time and space to take stock of your overall health and help improve your life span.

Q. Do I have to pay for HRT on a private script?

Yes, you do have to buy the medication in the pharmacy. It usually costs around £20 a month.

However, we can share our medical notes with your GP who can then continue ongoing prescription if appropriate.

Q will you follow me up after the first consultation?

Yes, we like to see all of our patients again around two-three months to ensure their HRT if working and to adjust dosage where needed.

Many women have great effects with HRT after a few weeks.

Q Can the doctor prescribe testosterone?

Most women manage very well on oestrogen/progesterone replacement, but some women do require testosterone also to alleviate major symptoms.

The main reason for prescribing testosterone gel is low libido or low sex drive that has not improved with standard HRT. For women who cannot take oestrogen HRT then testosterone HRT can also be trialled.

Before prescribing testosterone we need a baseline testosterone level to show that it is in fact low, then should be repeated after 2-3 months on TRT and then at 6 months to make the dose is not too high.

Testosterone replacement drugs for women still remains off licence in the UK as there is no specific preparations created for this use as yet; this is likely to change in the next few years.