Posts in life
How do I practice self compassion in mindfulness meditation?

Practising self-compassion in mindfulness meditation involves cultivating a kind and non-judgmental attitude toward yourself. 

Having compassion for yourself can help with pain, self-doubt and generally feeling overwhelmed by whatever is causing stress in your life.

Here are some steps you can follow to build self-compassion into your mindfulness practice:

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IBS video interview with Dr Siobhan Graham

In this Doctor’s video blog, Susan Hughes interviews Dr Siobhan about Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Siobhan talks about the difference between IBS and inflammatory bowel disease. She describes various symptoms, diagnosing IBS and how to manage it. She refers to and explains the FODMAP diet.

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Workplace Wellbeing Day

Siobhan and Tina were invited by Jane McClenaghan from Vital Nutrition to represent Vitalis Health Private GP at the Workplace Wellbeing Day in the Mac, in Belfast City Centre Cathedral Quarter in October.

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Monkey Pox

In this blog I’m going to look at what monkeypox is, how I would identify symptoms, how it is spread and how it is treated.

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Long Term Back Pain

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is very common. It usually improves within a few weeks but can sometimes last longer or keep coming back. In this blog post I will look at some causes and treatments of long term back pain.

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Interview with Ms Tina Fagan, Vitalis Health Care Assistant.

In this blog Ms Tina Fagan talks about micro suctioning ear wax removal the process and offers suggestions as to how to prevent problems arising.

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Otitis Externa: Outer ear infection or inflammation

As a surfer over the years I have done a lot of sea swimming and have occasionally experienced water retention in my ear. This usually rights itself but sometimes it can develop into external otitis.

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Mental Health Directory

In my practice as a GP I see so many physical health issues triggered and exacerbated by stress and mental ill health. On the Vitalis website we have drawn up a list of recommended supports for mental health problems.

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Sun Kissed

We may have come through the hottest part of the year but the sun can still be very damaging.

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In this blog I want to look at probiotics focussing on natural probiotics and a few of the foods you can buy or make yourself. I have taken recipes from BBCgoodfood.

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

In this blog I outline some of the many causes and treatments of erectile dysfunction. I will lay out what happens in Vitalis if you book an appointment for this issue.

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The Thyroid Gland

For such a small part of the body it is remarkable the impact its activity (over activity or under activity) can have on the rest of the body’s workings. In this blog I will look at the most common problems we see with the thyroid gland.

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Siddhartha has been one of my all time favourite books for many years. I first came across it on my initial travels to Costa Rica. It is written in a straightforward and calming way and is very readable.

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Smoking Cessation Part 4

Full video interview with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fegan interviewed by Susan Hughes about smoking cessation.

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Smoking Cessation Part 3

Interview transcription with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fagan about smoking cessation.

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Smoking Cessation Part 2

In a series of 3 blogs you will find transcriptions and a video of an engaging and fascinating interview with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fegan about her experience as a smoking cessation advisor.

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Smoking Cessation Part 1

In Vitalis we are lucky to have a very experienced clinician Tina Fagan who worked as a smoking cessation advisor for many years. This blog gives some background detail on smoking cessation, what it is and how it works.

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Walking Meetings

In this blog I look at the phenomena of walking meetings. We know that walking energizes our brains, reduces stress, improves our mood, and can boost communication.

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