New Term - New Habits

Building new health habits to live a longer, healthier life.


Summer 2022 already is in the past.  So, are your healthy-habits for this 2022 sticking or slipping? 

Here are a few ways to make healthy new habits that are likely to last:

-       Set specific goals that are realistic – even tiny at first - and build on them. 

-       Link new behaviours to existing habits, like doing ten squats while brushing your teeth. 

-       Celebrate your little successes with a small reward or just with raised arms and a “yay!” 


Unsure where to start?  With lower levels of sunlight and more hours spent indoors in the winter, the following may be helpful for a wide range of people. 


#1 - Boost your Vitamin D

-       Take a vitamin D3 supplement of at least 1000 international units a day from September to April.  Did you know that our bodies make vitamin D solely from exposure to sunlight?  Low vitamin D levels are associated with a reduced immune system, some cancers, more falls in the elderly and bone fractures.  Note: If you are over 70 you may need a higher daily dose of Vitamin D.


#2 – Lower Your Insulin Levels

Excess insulin in the blood over time can lead to serious consequences such as diabetes and heart disease.  To counteract this, you can:


-       Eat more protein and good fats while reducing the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates you consume.  Quality sources of protein include eggs and fish (including its nutritious skin).  First-rate fats can be found in extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds and, again, in eggs and fish.


-       Lift weights, starting with your own body weight first.  If you are carrying fat and not enough muscle, start with simple exercises at home like ten standing press-ups against the kitchen counter and wall squats.  In addition to reducing insulin levels, muscle-building exercise helps to improve mood and strengthen bones and tendons.


-       Try fasting to whittle away that extra weight.  If you are able to fast for even 12 hours at a time your body will begin to use its own fat for energy.  So, if you finish your dinner at 7 pm then wait to eat again until 7 am the next day, you’ll be taking a step not only to reduce fat, but also increase longevity. If you feel good, why not try pushing your fast to 14 hours?  Not to worry: you can still have your black coffee or tea while fasting! 


#3- chew your food: did you know chewing your food bizarrely stimulates new brain cell growth? It also helps digestion and reduces stomach acid production.


At this time of the year, when many of us have refreshed energy to get on top of our health, the Vitalis Wellness Packages are proving very popular. Dr Graham says: “Our range of Wellness Packages are like a full MOT for your body. We run a series of blood tests and checks, which are accompanied by a full report giving patients a real sense of empowerment around their health.”

 Book easily online at or phone 02896913000.