Mental Health Directory

In my practice as a GP I see so many physical health issues triggered and exacerbated by stress and mental ill health. On the Vitalis website we have drawn up a list of recommended supports for mental health problems.

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Sun Kissed

We may have come through the hottest part of the year but the sun can still be very damaging.

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In this blog I want to look at probiotics focussing on natural probiotics and a few of the foods you can buy or make yourself. I have taken recipes from BBCgoodfood.

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INTERVIEW: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Transcription of an interview with Dr Siobhan Graham about Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

In this blog I outline some of the many causes and treatments of erectile dysfunction. I will lay out what happens in Vitalis if you book an appointment for this issue.

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The Thyroid Gland

For such a small part of the body it is remarkable the impact its activity (over activity or under activity) can have on the rest of the body’s workings. In this blog I will look at the most common problems we see with the thyroid gland.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In Vitalis Health I see many people suffering from some form of IBS. In this blog I will look at the classic symptoms of IBS and look at some of the ways it can be managed and prevented.

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Siddhartha has been one of my all time favourite books for many years. I first came across it on my initial travels to Costa Rica. It is written in a straightforward and calming way and is very readable.

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Smoking Cessation Part 4

Full video interview with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fegan interviewed by Susan Hughes about smoking cessation.

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Smoking Cessation Part 3

Interview transcription with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fagan about smoking cessation.

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Smoking Cessation Part 2

In a series of 3 blogs you will find transcriptions and a video of an engaging and fascinating interview with Vitalis Health clinician Tina Fegan about her experience as a smoking cessation advisor.

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Smoking Cessation Part 1

In Vitalis we are lucky to have a very experienced clinician Tina Fagan who worked as a smoking cessation advisor for many years. This blog gives some background detail on smoking cessation, what it is and how it works.

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Walking Meetings

In this blog I look at the phenomena of walking meetings. We know that walking energizes our brains, reduces stress, improves our mood, and can boost communication.

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Travel Vaccinations

It almost seems too good to be true; we can travel again! Where are you hoping to travel to? Will you stay in Ireland sustaining the concept of staycations? Or will you go abroad?

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Posture - Video Interview

In this video blog Dr Siobhan Graham is interviewed by Susan Hughes in the Vitalis Health clinic in Belfast City Centre talking about posture.

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National Walking Month

Walking is an easy and accessible way to improve physical and mental health and a 20-minute daily walk can reduce the risk of a number of preventable health conditions.

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Stress: Interview with Dr Siobhan Graham

In this video blog Dr Siobhan Graham is interviewed by Susan Hughes in the Vitalis Health clinic in Belfast City Centre.

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I see so many patients with bowel problems, sleeping problems, muscle problems, you name it, and so often this always goes back to same the source: STRESS. Here I am going to explain how stress creates physical problems all over your body.

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