Can eating too many carbs result in heart disease, weight gain and inflammation?

One in ten people who are overweight manage to loose weight.

In a culture where refined carbohydrates dominate are diet and where low fat diets correlate with a worsening obesity epidemic, science now shows that insulin is the main driver of fat storage and gradual weight gain; and contributes to general inflammation.

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For almost 20 years people in the United States of America have been advised to do Strength training twice a week, in addition to their weekly 150 minutes of aerobic exercise.  It was only in 2011 that exercise guidelines in the United Kingdom caught-up...

But why have we been advised to add strength training to our workout?  And should everyone, young or old, really start moving weights? 

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Morocco bound: Part 1. Baked beans and the unfortunate Jelly Baby

Morocco, here I come again but this time with my intrepid younger brother Christopher.   One of Christopher's evening carers, who helps him get ready for bed, has been off work since December looking after her mother who is ill.  So, when over the Christmas holidays Christopher asked me 'What will I do now?", followed by a daily reminder of " I need a holiday", I thought that a month in Morocco was a good solution.  It would also buy us time to get someone to take over the evening shift on Christopher's return. 

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