How to improve hand arthritis pain

Arthritis can either be osteoarthritis or the inflammatory type such as rheumatoid.

This diagram below shows some useful hand exercises for strengthening the muscles and tendons around the finger joints. This has been proven in large studies in the UK to reduce pain from both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

You will need to buy some putty or you can use a soft stress ball. If using a stress ball you may need to cut it in half to work the muscles between the fingers, so you will need two stress balls.

The hand exercises strengthen the small muscles within the hand which can become weak with arthritis and as you age. When the muscles are strong the joint are more stable, and he bones remain stronger.

Ease into the exercises, doing them twice a week initially and see how you feel. If the fingers or joints become sore then stop and take a break for a week and try again but less intensely.

I advice discussing these exercises with your physio or occupational hand therapist who can guide you as needed.

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