Covid Recovery Letter Northern Ireland

If you have had COVID and you have completed your isolation period you may still test positive by PCR COVID testing in the following 12 weeks. This can prove problematic if trying to fly somewhere which requires a negative PCR test for travel.

The solution for many countries is a letter of recovery written by a doctor.

The recovery letter verifies your recent positive test, states you have no COVID symptoms and have recovered, and explains that you may test positive again by PCR testing despite no longer being infectious.

For this service you can conveniently book an express GP appointment with the doctor by video consultation. Following the consultation Dr Graham will provide you with a letter of recovery which can be used for work or travel.

We have been writing recovery letters since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, initially for actors needing to travel for work, but now for many holiday makers.


Frequently asked Questions about the Recovery letter:

When will I receive my recovery letter?

In most cases we can provide a same-day turnaround for your letter.

What do I need to provide for the doctor?

  1. You will need to show proof of a positive PCR COVID test result,

  2. your passport to identification and your

  3. Flight numbers

Please email us this information prior to your video appointment.

Who can avail of this service?

Anyone residing in the UK can use our service providing they have all of the above information available, this includes anyone visiting from aborad.