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TRT or testosterone replacement therapy in women

Many people think of TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) as something for men but some women will benefit from TRT during the menopause or if the ovaries stop producing oestrogen prematurely.

The main reason to go on testosterone is for low libido also known as low sex drive.

Although no preparation is licensed in the UK for women they are recommended in clinical guidelines and can be prescribed by your doctor.

This blog explains the use of TRT in women who are menopausal, its benefits and side effects, which preparations are used most commonly and how often to check your testosterone level.

What type of testosterone is used?

Testogel 50mg/5g applied over ten days is used off label and bespoke information should be provided by your doctor on how to use it as they varies.

You should have a baseline testosterone blood level checked, this should be taken before 10:00 am.

The level should be repeated in 8-12 weeks

When does it start working?

It usually takes three months to have effect.

Checking the total-testosterone blood test?

this is checked before starting testosterone, at three months and then annually.

Remember NOT to use any tesoterone gel the night before the monitoring blood test.

The main reason to check annual testosterone tests is check for overuse and to avoid side effects related to overuse or a higher level.

Testosterone level should be below 2nmol/l but in women with premature ovarian failure a slightly higher level may be accepted by your physician /GP. Always seek professioanl advice for monitoring levels and advice.

Can testosterone be used alone without oestrogen replacement?

Guidelines recommend that standard HRT is used first to see if this improves libido.

If HRT via a patch or gel are not required or cannot be used, then yes, your doctor may suggest trying the testosterone gel alone with oestrogen, BUT, vaginal atrophy ( dryness of the vaginal tissue due to low oestrogen) should be treated first with a cream/tablet pessary of oestrogen.

What are the Side effects of testosterone?

Side effects are uncommon when levels are kept within the correct range.


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