Private GP and Wellness Clinic Belfast

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TB Quantiferon Test who needs it?

The QuantiFERON-TB Gold test is a blood test used to detect tuberculosis (TB) infection.

It is typically recommended for individuals who are at higher risk of TB infection or who may have been exposed to TB, and may be requested by your employer for occupational health assessment.

Individuals may include:

1. Close Contacts of TB Cases: People who have been in close contact with someone who has active TB disease should undergo testing to determine if they have been infected.

2. Healthcare Workers: Healthcare professionals who work in settings where they may be exposed to TB, such as hospitals or clinics, are often screened regularly for TB infection.

3. Immigrants and Refugees: People immigrating from countries with a high TB prevalence or seeking refugee status in a new country may be required to undergo TB testing as part of the immigration or refugee screening process.

4. Individuals with HIV: People with HIV/AIDS have a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to TB infection. TB testing is recommended for individuals with HIV.

5. Those with Weakened Immune Systems: People with other conditions or treatments that weaken the immune system, such as organ transplant recipients, cancer patients on certain medications, or those with autoimmune diseases on immunosuppressive drugs, may be at higher risk for TB and should be screened.

7. Travelers to High TB Burden Countries: Travelers to countries with a high prevalence of TB may consider testing before and after travel, especially if they have prolonged exposure to local populations.

8. Children Exposed to TB: Children who have been exposed to TB and are at risk of infection should also be tested.

9. Occupational Exposure: Certain occupational groups, such as laboratory workers handling TB specimens or workers in industries where there is an increased risk of TB exposure (e.g., mining), may be required to undergo TB testing as part of their occupational health programs.

Please note :If you have symptoms suggestive of TB infection (e.g., persistent cough, weight loss, fever, night sweats) you should be evaluated by a doctor and may be tested for TB or have a chest Xray first.

Where there is any suspicion of TB and the Chest Xray is nroaml a QuantiFERON-TB Gold test is recommended then referral to specialist care for treatment if needed.

TB is a notifiable disease so it our obligation to inform Public health in writing. This is to help facilitaste contact tracing as needed.

It's essential to note that the decision to perform a QuantiFERON-TB Gold test should be made by a healthcare provider based on an individual's risk factors, medical history, and exposure history.

The test helps determine whether a person has been infected with TB bacteria, but it cannot differentiate between latent ( dorment or sleeping) TB infection and active TB disease. If a test is positive, further evaluation may be necessary to determine the person's TB status and whether treatment is needed. We will explain all of this to you.

In cases of Dorment TB where you have NO symptoms we are obliged to refer you locally to a specilalist doctor in Respiratory medicine. You will need to be registered with an NHS GP so that we can m,ake thtat referral, though that can easily be done.

Our turn around time for TB Quantiferon results is 7-10 working days.